Sunday, April 22, 2007

What is tinikling?

Tinikling is a Filipino folk dance, often dubbed the Philippine National Dance. The dance originated in Leyte as an imitation of the movements of the tikling bird dodging bamboo traps set by rice farmers.

The dance consists of two people hitting parallel bamboo poles on the ground, raising them, then sliding the poles against each other on the ground with a rhythm. Meanwhile, at least one dancer hops over and around the clashing poles in a manner not entirely unlike jump roping. Other variations consist of four people holding a pair of bamboo in a tic-tac-toe like pattern. This form of the dance would usually travel in a circular pattern increasing the difficulting of staying on rhythm.

Dancers Dance like the tikling bird's legendary grace and speed as they skillfully play, chase each other run over tree brances, or dodge bamboo traps set by rice farmers. Hence it was given the name after the bird, tikling.

There is a similar dance in East Malaysia called Magunatip.

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